Nov 25, 2013

Just Something to Think About

warm fuzzies
 (warm fuz'zies) plural noun
  1. feelings of happiness, contentment
  2. a kindness from someone that makes you feel happier, or better
Yesterday in Church, one of the lessons was on this talk.  The teacher taught how we as women and mothers can be Healers of Souls.  One way we can be a Healer of Souls is to "be [quick] to [listen], slow to speak, and slow to [become angry] (James 1:19).

She quoted from Proverbs 15:1
"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
The teacher also made mention of the Warm Fuzzies, Cold Pricklies story.  I had never heard this story before, so later that day I consulted my best friend, Google.  Let me share the story with you.
Warm Fuzzies, Cold Pricklies
"Once upon a time, there was a tiny village nestled between two mountains. Each person in the village was very happy because he was given a bag of Warm Fuzzies at birth. You could reach into your bag and pull out a Warm Fuzzy whenever you wanted, and everybody wanted to all the time. Warm Fuzzies were given to other people on the street, at home, everywhere. Warm Fuzzies made you feel just like they sound - warm, happy and content. Everyone in the village was happy, everyone but the bad witch. Now we all know that bad witches are growly. They like us to be unhappy, sad. The bad witch in this village was no exception. She tried and tried to make the people stop giving away Warm Fuzzies. One day she whispered in the ear of little Johnny Brown, "If you keep giving away all of your Warm Fuzzies you won't have any left for yourself." Johnny didn't listen at first, because everyone always had lots of Warm Fuzzies. The more you gave away, the more you got.

Then the witch said to Johnny, "If you give COLD PRICKLIES you will be able to keep all of your Warm Fuzzies." Well, Johnny got to thinking about this, and noticed that his mother was always giving away Warm Fuzzies. So were his father and his sister. Soon he thought they would have no more for him. So Johnny started saving his Warm Fuzzies and started giving COLD PRICKLIES. Soon the whole village was giving COLD PRICKLIES. Everyone was gloomy and sad and very grouchy. The village was no longer happy, and there wasn't a Warm Fuzzy to be found!
This had been going on for years and years, and the wicked witch was very happy. One day an old man came to visit the village. When he spoke to anyone they frowned at him and turned their backs, often walked away. The old man continued to be friendly, polite, pleasant, and one day a very young boy smiled back at the old man. It made him feel good - so good that he patted his dog, and the dog didn't bite him! This was the first Warm Fuzzy given in some time, and the little boy dug into his bag of Warm Fuzzies, as they were much nicer than the COLD PRICKLIES, and he started giving them away. The townspeople grumbled and growled for a while, but soon they felt like giving Warm Fuzzies. One by one people went home to find their Warm Fuzzies and soon everyone was again giving Warm Fuzzies. The bad witch was so upset and disgusted that she left the village and took her COLD PRICKLIES. After all, they didn't stand a chance against Warm Fuzzies.
To this day that village is happy and content. Maybe, just maybe, if we give enough Warm Fuzzies our world can be as happy and pleasant as that village."
-What are we handing out to our children and spouse?  Are we giving them warm fuzzies - compliments, calm answers, smiles, hugs/kisses, service; or are we handing out cold pricklies -yelling, insults, angry words?
"I never really had an anger problem—until I had children! When I saw them disobeying in different situations, it would make me upset and frustrated. Sometimes I would raise my voice in my efforts to correct them.  I quickly realized that a parent’s anger is detrimental to a child’s spirits."
-Jim Bob Duggar
-Are we like the old man in the story setting an example for our children of how to build up others even though they may frown at us?
Just some things I'll be thinking about. . . . .