Feb 1, 2018

Babies R Us

I love that we're still playing with baby dolls at our house. 
For Christmas Kami and Kaitlyn both got a new doll.

 Kami got a toddler size doll that she packs around on her hip all day.
Kaitlyn got a newborn that she swaddles and cradles while she plays.

These girls love their babies. Every night they dress them in pajamas and get them ready for bed.
Every morning they get them dressed and comb their hair. 
They take them for walks, and check out books from the library to read to them. Most nights, they even eat dinner with us. 
Each morning they bring their baby down for me to tend while they're away at school.

Even "Aunt" Kelsey is sometimes forced to get in on the action.

I know it's only a matter of time before they no longer want to play with baby dolls so I'm cherishing every moment I can.