Jan 23, 2018

I almost forgot

We've had the strangest winter here in Utah. Sunny days with temperatures in the 50's and very little precipitation. I almost forgot what snow was; thank goodness Mother Nature decided to remind me.

The snow started Friday night and it never stopped. It snowed and it snowed and it snowed all night and then all day Saturday into early Sunday morning.
I can't count how many times Clint had to "shovel" the driveway. 
(When you use a snow blower does it count as shoveling or is it cheating?)

The top picture was taken this morning. The skies are blue, the sun is out, and everything looks so beautiful covered in a blanket of fresh snow.

p.s. - This is what happens when you go too fast in the snow. You slide and hit into the car in front of you who is stuck in the snow. Can we consider it lucky if it's only your car that gets damaged?