Every last Sunday of the month, my family gets together for a big family meal. Once every 4th month, all the married couples & my Gram D get a chance to host everyone at their house. We also rotate every month who brings what. This is way awesome because one person's not stuck with everything. With the family growing & everyone's schedules getting busier and busier, we also celebrate birthdays.
Yesterday it was our turn to host "Family Dinner". We provided the main course, mom& dad brought a veggie, Gram D brought a side, and Kim brought dessert & we celebrated Cory's birthday. We've been doing Family Dinner this way for a couple years now and it's been so much fun.
We recently added FHE to our dinner get-togethers (which we're getting better at remembering to do). This is the one week of the month we know it will get done. :) Hallelujah!!!
Now we just need to get all the Utah Collins' Siblings on a get-together schedule. . . .