Jan 18, 2012

#5 turns 5!!!

My sweet #5 is 5 years old today!  Where did those years go? Here are 5 things about #5 . . . .
1. She is still a Girly-Girl.  She loves dressing up (she's even been known to 'borrow' clothing and jewelry from my closet), painting nails (hers and everyone else's), doing hair (she is getting really good at doing her own.  Pigtails and ponytails are her forte').  She usually carries a purse of some sort with her where ever she goes.

 2. She is the BEST BIG SISTER.  She implements what she learns from her big sister, #2, and holds. hugs, helps, tickles, and watches out for her little sister.

 3. Her best pal is still her 'Soft Blanky'.  She loves that thing and sleeps with it every night.

 4. She is still a Daddy's Girl.  She has daddy wrapped around her little finger.  She loves going on daddy-daughter dates, and asks her daddy out almost daily (probably because he spoils her).

 5.  She has the biggest prettiest blue eyes.  And the cutest laugh. 

We are so thankful Heavenly Father sent this precious daughter to our family.