Apr 5, 2012

My Favorite Time of Year

I love it. There is nothing more uplifting than hearing the words of prophets and apostles. I am sad Sister Beck was released (she's one of my heroes), but  I'm excited for Sister Burton (not Tim's wife. . . you know Tim Burton?  OK bad joke. . . ).

 It was a jam-packed weekend as usual. My sister and her family spent the weekend with us. I love hanging out with them. They are so fun! 
 Saturday in-between conference sessions we rode the 4-wheeler, went to #3's basketball game, to the Greenhouse for a 2nd time, and to Dairy Queen to take advantage of the last day of their BOGO for $0.99 blizzard deal. (Man I'm glad that deal's over because I was going there way too often).   
 The girls (and the younger boys) went to Deseret Book's Ladies Night.  Every time I step into that store, I just want to buy everything!!!  (I just have to figure out where to get the money.)  We ate Lion House Rolls and snacked on samples (yep the bakery walks around the store with a tray full of different samples).  What's better than baked goods and good books?
Sunday was our "down" day. We watched the morning session, had a fabulous smorgasbord of food for lunch including my kids favorite, watch THE ULTIMATE GIFT, and the last session of Conference. I've already downloaded my favorite talks and the ones I missed onto my phone. I like to listen to them while I clean,etc. 
I'll be counting down the days until October. . . .