May 14, 2012

Think, Click, BE. . .

Last November, I had the privelege of attending a TOFW.  One of my favorite speakers (they were all good) was Hilary Weeks.  She is a Christian singer/songwriter.  Hilary spoke about the power of our thoughts. 
Did you know that it has been said that on average people think 300 NEGATIVE thougths a day!? 
Hilary Weeks wanted to know if that was true so she went out and bought a Clicker, and she started counting.  Listen to her experiment (its hilarious!!!):
After counting her negative thoughts for a week, she noticed she was feeling really down, depressed and discouraged.  I love what she said:
I was really surprised by the effect that simple, tiny act of “clicking” each negative thought had on my mood. I guess that is why King Benjamin told us in the Book of Mormon to “watch ourselves and our thoughts.” And maybe that is why we are told in the Doctrine and Covenants to “let virtue (or power) garnish our thoughts unceasingly.”
So she switched, and started counting her positive thoughts!  After the first day she counted 321 clicks! By Day four. . . 1,262!  Hilary noticed that she was happier, her spirit soared!  Not because her circumstances had changed, but because the focus of her thoughts had.
President Spencer W. Kimball said, “How could a person possibly become what he is not thinking? Nor is any thought, when persistently entertained, too small to have its effect. The divinity that shapes our ends is indeed in ourselves.”
YES THERE IS POWER IN OUR THOUGHTS.  If we want to be happy and positive, we need to focus on the happy and positive. 
Hilary Weeks has taken her "Clicker Idea" and launched a webisite, BillionClicks.Org
Many people have had amazing experiences with clicking and paying attention to their thoughts. I wanted to create a website where we could share those experiences, gleen more knowledge about the power of our thoughts and combine our clicking efforts to try to reach
Can you imagine the good that could come from a billion positive thoughts?! 
Think of the impact one positive thought can have. Now multiply that by a BILLION and watch the world around us change.
I loved this idea the moment I first heard in at that TOFW.  There are tons of thinks you can "click for".  In fact, on their website they have an IDEAS FOR CLICKING page.  Right now I'm clicking as I jog.  I use this time to fill my head with positive thoughts:  "You're a good mother", "You're doing great, keep going", "Heavenly Father loves you", etc.  It makes my work-out go by faster, and I come home feeling really good physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. 
Want to Click with me?  Go here to purchase your clicker, and then leave me a comment telling me what you're clicking for.  Together we can change the world, one positive thought at a time. has graciously given me a clicker to give away to one of you!!!
Want to win?