Dec 13, 2013

Host Your Own "Cookie Day"!

I've blogged once or twice about this Christmas Tradition but let me tell you about it again.

This year will be our 11th annual "Cookie Day"!  It comprises of my mom, Gram, sister, sister-in-laws (sometimes), and me getting together at one of our houses to bake cookies and make candies together.  It's so much fun to talk and laugh, bake and eat!
This is how we do it:

1.  Each person is in charge of bringing 2-4 different things.  We usually text each other what we're doing so that there are no repeats, but you don't have to do this.  

2.  Everything should be brought ready to go.  For example: if you're making a cookie, you should bring the dough all mixed and ready to bake.  If you're making truffles, the truffle part should be made ahead of time, etc. The more you prep ahead of time, the smoother the day will go.
3.  Have fun baking, dipping, frosting, and sprinkling, but don't forget to take a break for lunch!  All that sugar and no "real" food will leave you ornery, sluggish, and probably with a splitting headache before you finish everything.
4.  Once everything is done, we plate it up.  Maybe I better back-track.  Before Cookie Day, we all count up how many plates of goodies we want to give away (most of us give these as our Neighbor Gifts).  Once we have a grand total, someone, usually Mom, will buy enough plates, tins, or boxes for everyone.  You don't have to do this.  You could have everyone bring their own.  My mom is just nice that way, and it works for us.  Ok, back to plating everything up.  We just divide everything as evenly as possible.  
5.  One last word of advice, DON'T FORGET TO MAKE YOURSELF A BIG PLATE to take home!
-Kids or No Kids?  We have done it both ways, and sometimes we have no choice but to bring the kids, but let me tell you, it's so much easier without them!  So if you can, have it on a day when Dad is home or get a sitter.-