Dec 7, 2013

Service Christmas Chain

Every year since the beginning, at least one of my kids has brought home a "Countdown to Christmas" chain.  Some years instead of a bell at the top, it has a Santa with a fluffy cotton ball beard. One year I think there was a picture of an elf.  They've all served the same purpose, to help ease the annoying  daily question of "How many more days until Christmas?" .
However, this year's chain is a little bit different.  It is a Service Countdown.  On each chain is a small act of service the child can do (mostly without help). Can I just say that as a mom who is trying to focus her family on the Real Reason for the Season - CHRIST, I love this!   

Here is what the chains say:

Visit someone you haven't seen for awhile!  

Share a happy Christmas story with your family!

Call a friend and wish them Merry Christmas!

Make your bed and clean your room without being asked!

Play with a new friend today.

Shovel snow off a sidewalk or sweep it.

Sing Silent Night and think about what the words are saying.  

Make a Christmas card for someone.

Help your mother without being asked.

Make a present for someone in your family.

Do a good deed anonymously!

Smile at everyone you see today!

Make a list of the gifts of love you are going to give to others.

Make a snowflake and hang it up somewhere in your house.

Give everyone in your family a hug today.

Take something to a lonely neighbor.

Read a story to a family member.

Play a game with your brother or sister.

Set the table for a meal.

Tell someone you love them today!

Help your father without being asked!

Tell the Christmas story to someone.

Sing a Christmas carol with your family.