Jan 16, 2014

The Sky is the Limit

Yesterday #5 came home sick from school.  I spent the majority of the day holding her while she slept.  Since this made for quite a bit of down-time, I took the opportunity to read.   One of the things I read was this 2001 talk by President Hinckley.  Oh how I miss that man!  It's funny how I could still hear his voice in my mind as I read his talk.  Even though he was speaking to the Young Women, this talk is a great pep-talk/reminder for all of us.  

I want to print and hang the following words in each of my children's rooms so they will read them each day and be reminded of their potential and goals.

For you, my dear friends, the sky is the limit
You can be excellent in every way. 
You can be first class. 
There is no need for you to be a scrub. (slang for:  someone with no class. For example: possessing little money, lacking in transportation, without a place to live, etc.)  
Respect yourself. 
Do not feel sorry for yourself.
 Do not dwell on unkind things others may say about you. Particularly, pay no attention to what some boy might say to demean you. He is no better than you. In fact, he has already belittled himself by his actions. (This goes for anyone that tries to demean you.)
Polish and refine whatever talents the Lord has given you. 
Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart. 
Love life and look for its opportunities, 
and forever and always be loyal to the Church.

You are daughters/[sons] of the Almighty.  Limitless is your potential.  Magnificent is your future, if you will take control of it.