Mar 18, 2014

My Kids

Sunday afternoon, we spent a relaxing afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
We ate dinner, played games, and did a little family history, napped -you know, just the norm.
 While these two slept (remember they've been getting up at 4:00 am the last two weeks), 
a 'very professional' photographer (also know as #3) took the opportunity to capture the many faces of a few of my kids.
 Here we have Mr. Freckles himself.
 Just look at that cute freckley face!
Here we have Mr. Freckles "Oh no you didn't!" face
and his "I'm totally mesmerized" face.
Next up is Princess. Here she's wearing her pouty "I'm losing this game" face
and her "Great! I think I got that answer wrong too" face
and finally here's her cute toothy (and somewhat tooth-less) smiley face.
Last but not least is my handsome oldest.  This is his "I'm lovin' life today" face
 until the photographer took a close-up of the little stache he's sporting
which brought on his "Wahhh!" face
All Photos taken by this Glamour-Shots enthused professional.