Mar 7, 2014

Week Happenings

1.  LONG LIVE #33
Due to bad refereeing, #3's team lost their tournament game on Monday.  It was a fun season.  I love watching my kids play and improve their talents.  Since I'm athletically handicap, I live vicariously through them.

Sis (#2) is taking Driver's Ed, which happens to be mandatory in our state.  She has been getting up at 4:00 in order to be ready to leave the house by 5:20 for her 5:30 AM class.  Reminds me of my 6:00 am early-morning seminary days.  Lucky for me, Clint has been taking her on his way to work.  YES!!!!

This little girl has been having bad dreams almost every night this week- or so she says!  I think she just likes sleeping in my bed.  She wakes up her sister, because it's too scary to walk downstairs by herself, and comes to my side of the bed.  "Mom, I had a bad dweam.  Can I sleep with you?"  I mumble yes and in she climbs, leaving her half-awake sister to sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed.  Last night before I tucked her in bed, I told her that if she had another bad dream I wanted her to climb in bed with Sis.  No more coming down to my bed.  She didn't listen.  Sometime in the middle of the night last night there she was. "Mom, I had a bad dwean.  Can I sleep with you?"

Don't worry.  This morning she has been doing therapy with Princess (#5):
"What was you're bad dream about?"
"Ok, tonight flip your pillow over so you won't have anymore bad dreams."
"Mom and Dad need to buy a bigger bed so we can both fit in it."

Yesterday I went grocery shopping (it only took me 2 days but we're finally stocked up YAY!) and Miss Bad Dweam talked me into buying her and her sister some hand sanitizer.  By the end of last night, it was almost gone- that's some really clean hands.
Anyway, my point in this whole story is that the hand sanitizer smelt just like my Strawberry Shortcake doll from the 80's.  All day long, I felt like I was 7 again playing in my Holly Hobby Bedroom.
You really needed to know that.. .. .