Apr 21, 2014

Egg Hunt

Like many of you, one of my family's Easter Traditions is an egg hunt.
 Each year, on Easter, the Easter Bunny hides candy/prize-filled plastic eggs around the house, and the children run around finding and collecting them all.
The two youngest were up at 6:30 excited and ready to go!
(We're nice parents, and made them wait until 8:00.)
After all the eggs have been found, the kids crack open all their eggs to see what's inside.
This is almost more fun than the hunt.

Did you know the Easter egg is said to be a symbol of the tomb Jesus rose from?  We hunt for the eggs just as we might go to hunt for Jesus in the tomb.  When we find them, there is joy, just like the women had when they reached the tomb and found that Jesus was no longer there.