Jan 22, 2015

Finding Lasting Peace and Building Eternal Families

There are a lot of talks this conference.  In order to to make it through all the conference talks, we will have to do more than one a week.  From now on there will be two maybe even three talks posted each week - so look for them.
Also: I love your comments.   If you have any thoughts, or comments I'd love to hear them
if you've blogged about the talk we're discussing, please share a link to your post in the comments section.  Thanks-
by Elder L. Tom Perry

"Our journey through life has periods of both good times and bad.  Each presents different challenges.  How we learn to adjust to the changes which come along depends on the foundation on which we build.  The gospel of our Lord and Savior provides a sure and solid foundation.  It is constructed piece by piece as we gain knowledge of the Lord's eternal plan for His children. . .The only way to find lasting peace is to look to Him and live."

Just like in the parable of the wheat and tares (found in Matthew chapter 13), Satan, the enemy, has sowed many tares among us.  

"That old enemy of all mankind has found as many devices as he can think of to scatter tares far and wide.  He has found ways to have them penetrate even the sanctity of our own homes.  The wicked and worldly ways have become so widespread there seems to be no real way of weeding them out.  They come by wire and through the air into the very devices we have developed to educate and entertain us.  The wheat and the tares have grown close together.  A steward managing the field must, with all his or her power, nourish that which is good and make it so strong and beautiful the tares will have no appeal either to the eye or the ear.  How blessed we are as members of the Lord's Church to have the precious gospel of our Lord and Savior as a foundation on which to build our lives."

We, as parents and grandparents, are the stewards in charge of managing the field, our homes.  It is our responsibility to spiritually prune, weed, and beautify our homes.  Since we can't eliminate all the bad (the tares), it is our duty as stewards, to make that which is good more desirable and popular that evil will have no appeal. - TOUGH JOB-

"Our homes must be holy places in order to stand against the pressures of the world.  Remember that the greatest of all the blessings of the Lord come through and are given to righteous families."

"We must carefully continue to evaluate our performances as parents.  The most powerful teaching a child will ever receive will come from concerned and righteous fathers and mothers."

This is a huge task.  The Holy Ghost will help us, if we will listen and remember that
"We must never let the noise of the world overpower and overwhelm that still, small voice."

Elder Perry reminds mothers and fathers of our roles and offers us suggestion on how we can better teach our children.

Let us first look at the role of the mother. 
"Women who make a house a home make a far greater contribution to society than those who command large armies or stand at the head of impressive corporations.  Who can put a price tag on the influence a mother has on her children, a grandmother on her posterity, or aunts and sisters on their extended family?"
"We cannot begin to measure or calculate the influence of women who, in their own ways, build stable family life and nurture for everlasting good the generations of the future.  The decisions made by the women of this generation will be eternal in their consequences.  May I suggest that the mothers of today have no greater opportunity and no more serious challenge than to do all they can to strengthen the [home]."
- President Gordon B. Hinckley

What does it mean to make a house a home?  I love this quote (found Here)
"Anyone can live in a house, but making it a home is quite another matter. A house is a building but a home is inhabited by family members that love and care for each other. . .- a place where my family longs to be at the end of every day."

The Family:  A Proclamation to the World reminds us that a home is built "on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities (or fun)." 

Now let us look at the role a father plays in our lives:
"Fathers give blessings and perform sacred ordinances for their children.  These will become spiritual highlights in their lives."
"Fathers are personally involved in leading family prayers, daily scripture reading, and weekly family home evenings."
"Fathers build family traditions by being involved in helping plan vacation trips and outings that will involve all of the family members.  Memories of these special times together will never be forgotten by their children."
"Fathers hold one-o-one visits with their children and teach them gospel principles."
"Fathers teach sons and daughters the value of work and help them establish worthy goals in their own lives."
"Fathers set an example of faithful gospel service."

". . .There has never been a period in my many years of life when our Father in Heaven's children have needed the guiding hand of faithful, devoted parents more."

"A successful parents should never be too busy to capture a moment in a child's life when an important lesson can be taught."

We must take advantage of every teaching opportunity.
“We have a great and noble heritage of parents giving up almost everything they possess to find a place where they could rear their families with faith and courage,” 
 “We must find within ourselves that same determination and spirit and overcome the challenges we face with the same spirit of sacrifice. We must instill in future generations an ever stronger reliance on the teachings of our Lord and Savior.” 

In order to keep the tares from taking over in our homes, we must build our homes on the teachings and foundation of Jesus Christ.