Jul 20, 2015


#3 had a successful ENT visit, and a successful birthday.
The Otolaryngologist removed the extremely large and painful packing up his nose. (Yes, that sponge went clear up his nasal cavity.  See how red and swollen his eye is from all the pressure?  #3 will probably die if he knows I took this photo of him and posted it.)  Shoved more cotton balls soaked in Lidocaine up his nose.  Once his nose was numb, he cauterized all the places that were still bleeding, and re-packed it with a smaller, non-visible pack.  This pack is made out of gelatin and will dissolve within a week or so.

He chose wait until his swollen nose and blood-shot eye are gone before getting his driver's license.  He wants to look handsome in his photo not scary - I told him all driver's license photos look scary.  It's just DMV protocol.
He is back up at work, which is a good sign that he's feeling much better and has some energy back.
This morning I will pick him up and we'll try the whole driver's license thing again.
  Friday night we celebrated his birthday.  I asked him what he wanted for his 'special' birthday dinner.  He said food.  I asked him specifically what type of food.  He said he didn't care as long as it didn't come from the freezer like all the meals he's been eating for the last couple months, and he wanted potatoes- any kind.
So, we had grilled hamburgers and homemade potato wedges.

For his cake he wanted BTS Cake, which seems to be the Number 1 birthday cake of choice around here.
 Then we partied like it was 1999 all over again.
Okay, not really.  We had to keep it toned down, doctor's orders.
 We basically ate cake, and opened presents.  See that weight in his hand? That's Clint signature birthday move.  He's always done it.  He thinks if he adds some weight to a light-weight present, he can trick the recipient into thinking they're getting something huge!? 
It's classic and it happens every time he's in charge of wrapping the gifts.
 I think his favorite present was this cellphone.  We are strange parents and won't get our kids a cellphone until they can pay for it themselves.  He was stoked!
As he was opening up his last birthday gift, it began ringing "All I Do is Win"- you know the song.
It was his dad, complete with a selfie pic and his own personalized ringtone.
Here he is practicing asking for a girl's digits on his sister.  Not really, but it sounded good.
I'm so happy his birthday ended well, and he actually felt well enough to celebrate it.  

Now to go get that coveted driver's license. . . .