Dec 8, 2015

Gangsta' C!

Have I ever mentioned that I'm married to one of the coolest guys on the planet?  Seriously, he is always surprising me and awing me with his many talents. 
(Not too mention I swoon regularly over his extremely good looks.)
Last weekend was Clint's work Christmas party.  At this party, he surprised his employees and also me with a little performance.
He's a master lip-sync-er, and those moves!  - Who Knew?!
He blew me away, and by the look of pure delight, the cat-calls, and all the smiling faces, the crowd liked it too.
Here's just a little sample of what you missed.

(There may or may not be a video of this entire performance on YouTube.
*wink, Wink*
If you find it *ahem* it may be best that we don't mention it.  It may embarrass my extremely humble husband.)