Jan 15, 2012

What's your Personal Creed?

adj: of, affecting, or belonging to a particular person rather than to anyone else.

n: set of beliefs or principles
When he was just 34 years old, a great man by the name of George Albert Smith, made a list of 11 resolutions or goals (he called it his "personal creed"), that he committed to live by.
Those who knew President Smith said that he really did live by his creed. "He was one of those few people of whom you can say he lived as he taught." - J. Reuben Clark Jr.
Reading this made me think, What kind of a person do I want to be?  What principles do I want to base my life on?  I'm going to implement some of these and some of my own into My own Personal Creed, and display it where I can see it daily (probably on my bathroom mirror) so I can remember to work on these things daily.

How about you?  What's on your Personal Creed?
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