Sister Dalton shared the following story that was once shared with her of two women who walked together each day. "One was a member of the Church and the other was not. In an effort to share the gospel with her friend, the Church member said, "I am so excited because it is general conference time." To which the friend inquired, "What is that?" The woman then said, "This is a time held every six months when members of the Church gather to hear the words of prophets, seers and revelators. These words are translated and broadcast all over the world." The neighbor became very animated and asked, "You mean, you believe in prophets who can see things that are not yet seen?" To which she replied. "Yes, that is exactly right." The two walked along in silence as the woman's friend absorbed this. At length her friend asked, "So tell me, what did they tell you to do last general conference?" The Church member thought for a long while. And then admitted, "You know, I can't remember." This prompted one additional observation from her friend. "Then what good does it do to belong to a Church who believes in living prophets if you don't remember what they told you to do?"
What good does it do to belong to a Church who believes in living prophets if you don't remember what they told you to do?
Sister Dalton then says:
"As the world is flooded with messages twittering, blogging and Facebooking around the world, [we] must be attentive and alert to the sure voices of prophets, seers and revelators. In fact, I believe, in a world increasing in media messages each must be riveted on their words and know how to apply them in their lives. Prophets speak for God. They are a voice of warning. They can guide, direct, admonish correct and teach. They can provide personal answers to life's questions and challenges. They can also prepare each of us for what is to come."
What were we asked to do this past General Conference?
Are we striving to obey?
Are we applying their words to our lives?
"Perhaps each of us might want to make a personal "to do list" of things that we can do in our lives to learn and live these messages. Perhaps each of us will want to review carefully the messages in written and visual form on the Internet. The time has come to hold these words close, download them onto our iPods, our iPads and our mobile devices; but more importantly into our hearts — "lest we forget, lest we forget.""
This is little Tinkerbell's (my #6) notebook. Inside she keeps her drawings. Each day she chooses a new drawing to be displayed on the outside cover. Last Saturday morning, this is the drawing she displayed. She explained: "This is President Monson and me. This is the Conference center, and the pretty flowers they always have behind the person talking. And this (bottom) is our Conference Bags."
It makes me feel good as a mom that she gets it! She knows how lucky we are to have a prophet on the earth today. She knows how important his words are. As we study the talks from conference, may be "riveted on their words and know how to apply them in their lives".
I would love for you to share your thoughts and feelings on the talks as we discuss them in General Conference Club each Sunday here on the blog.