Jun 10, 2014


Look who paid us a visit last night- my two favorite missionaries.  I was so happy to see them. 

After a dinner of hamburgers, we played some of the games they play up at HVC (Heber Valley Camp) with the Young Women.  My kiddos had a blast!  Each game taught an important gospel principle - Listening to the Spirit, or Obedience.  Each activity always ends with a High-Five.  

At camp, they teach that a High-Five stands for five things you can do to remain "High" in the Gospel.
1. Pray daily (morning and night)
2. Read the scriptures everyday
3. Attend church weekly
4. Serve others
5. Live worthy of a temple recommend
If you do these 5 things- you will be happy -spiritually 'HIGH' so to speak.
I love this analogy.  We High-Five a lot at our house.

Speaking of  Spiritual Highs, yesterday I dropped my oldest daughter (#2) off at a week-long camp filled with activities and speakers that uplift, edify, teach, and strengthen her.  This will be her third year attending EFY.  She has a blast meeting new people from all over the country and living on campus for a week.  This program helps to build her self-worth and her testimonies - it definitely strengthens my child with a 'Spiritual High' and that to me is worth every penny!  #3 will attend in July.