Oct 21, 2014

Good News, Bad News

1.  The Good News:
My two oldest boys have been taking Driver's Ed together (aww, so sweet).  In in the lovely state of Utah, if you're under 19 years of age, you have to have passed a driver's education class.  It's part of the requirements for your Driver's Licence.

The Bad News:
It starts at 5:30 am.  We're talking half past dark here people.  I thought waking up at 6 every morning was early.  This will go on for roughly 4-1/2 weeks.  UGH!
This will be #1's second time taking this class not because he failed but because he transferred out of the school district before he completed every requirement.  Double UGH!

2.  The Good News:
My parents are still gallivanting around the country, enjoy their life as retirees.  They're in Florida right now having a great time chasing alligators, playing at the beach, and visiting with my brother Will and his family.

The Bad News:
That also means my seamstress is out of town and we have a choir dress that needs to be hemmed by tomorrow!  AHHH!  If you happen to be at the concert tomorrow and you notice one of the girl's dress is lopsided please just ignore it!  Thank you!

 3.  The Good News:
My little girls found a vintage Sesame Street blanket hidden in with the other blankets (this is what happens when you start cleaning out closets- you never know what treasures you'll find).  I'm pretty sure my brother Will (pictured above) had this blanket on his bed when he was little.
The Bad News:
The girls have been looking for Elmo all last night and all this morning.  "Where's Elmo on here, Mom?"
They didn't quite understand when I told them this blanket was made before Elmo's time.