Dec 1, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

 This year, our Thanksgiving was a little different. -a good different.
We hosted my parents and Gram at our house as the rest of the family was at Disneyland.
 It was small and intimate but really really fun!
 Everyone pitched in to help make the feast a delicious success.
We had turkey, dressing, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn, hot rolls smothered with butter and jam, and of course black olives and beets.
  This little girl's new Thanksgiving hat helped add to the festivities.
After dinner and clean-up we went to the movies.
Afterwards we came home to play our traditional game of Thanksgiving BINGO and gorge ourselves on dessert - Pumpkin Supreme, Pumpkin Pie, and French Silk Pie.
 (After stuffing ourselves with turkey dinner and then popcorn and candy at the movies you'd think we'd be full- apparently not!  This family likes to eat.)
 Thanks Mom for starting this tradition- every year,  the kids look forward to winning a $Dollar store prize.
 There was also some football watching, a little napping. . .
some coloring, puzzle building, 
and this!
Have you ever played the game QUELF?  It forces you to do some pretty funny and embarrassing things!