Sep 4, 2015

Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho A Pirates Life for Me!

Ahoy me hearty.   
Today be Pirate Day at thar elementary school.  Arrr!
Every gent and lass who dresses up like a pirate will get free booty (a bag of popcorn.)  #5 and #6 were definitely all in! Aye, they be!
 Last night we rummaged through the Halloween costume box for piratey attire.
We used pieces from a zombie costume, a fifties costume, and even a knight costume.
 It's not authentically pirate, but the girls were happy with the hodge-podge costumes, and that's all that matters.
They're just happy to dress up period.
 When you dress up, the rule states that mom has to take your picture.
These two had way too much fun posing and pretending to be pirates.
 We also blasted and sang along with Disney's Yo-Ho Yo-Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me song while getting dressed and ready for school this morning.
It's no wonder I suddenly have a hankering to go to Disneyland!