Nov 19, 2015

The Hello Kitty Watch

Last year for her birthday, #6 was given this Hello Kitty watch as a gift.  She wears it practically every day.  She has become the official/unofficial time keeper of the family.  She won't let you be late.  If you tell her dinner will be ready in a minute.  You better have dinner ready in 60 seconds.

Yesterday, she asked me how long I would be in the shower.  I told her probably 5 minutes.  Each passing minute brought a knock on the door and a countdown - "Mom, you have 4 minutes left."  "Now you have 3 minutes." all the way to "Mom, you're time is up."

Each school day, she gives us a countdown of how many minutes we have left until it's time to leave for school, and if you ever need to know what time it is, all you have to do is ask.  It's quite handy having an official/unofficial time keeper.  I think I'll keep her.

p.s. - Did you know that Europe's The Final Countdown is actually one of her favorite songs.  Fitting isn't it?